Fabi Showroom

Project: Showroom
Location: Milan, Italy

Style and elegance are at the heart of the new Fabi Showroom in Milan.

A new location for The Marches’ historic footwear factory, on one of the main shopping streets in Milan.

Our team delivered a detail-rich environment with a minimalist soul able to convey the brand identity through minimal yet functional and innovative display solutions to highlight the products without outshining their beauty.

The Display line created by Barberini offers linear, light display units and monochromatic volumes to ensure elegance in a modern-day look.

#Barberini #ShowroomDesign

fabi_retail_contract_display_showroomdesigndiplaydesign_italiandesign_space_exhibition_showroom_store_generalcontractorrestylingshowroom_forniture_retail_display_productiondisplay products manufacturer- merchandise display_retail showcasesretail design store-fittings for shops- shop design projects - retail design services


Via Giuseppe Impastato
61040 Castelvecchio di Monte Porzio (PU) Italy
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