Ceramiche Piemme Showroom

Project: Showroom
Location: Fiorano, Italy

Exhibition rooms for Ceramiche Piemme are always developed in synergy with the marketing department of the Fiorano based company, keeper and promoter of the brand values belonging to this historic industry leader.

The concept, both for trade fair and retail stores, is always connected to Piemme’s expressive and communicative mood, aiming at creating its own spatial and perceptive language; a language made of natural materials, textured and imperfect surfaces, dusty soft colors, and warm and welcoming atmospheres dedicated to one's target of inspiration (or to one's model reader, as Umberto Eco would say).

During the last three years, Piemme’s exhibition rooms have been a home for celebrating all the product research collaborations with internationally renowned designers such as Benoy London, Pierre Charpin Paris, and Gordon Guillaumier Milano; three very different creatives who nonetheless have constantly been searching for beauty through human imperfection, as the real distinctive value, afar from the cold and impersonal mass industrialism; a key element that perfectly matches Ceramiche Piemme’s mission.

Since 2016, Ceramiche Piemme has been collaborating with Barberini to bring out the brand’s philosophy and transform it into real spaces, through a solid semiotic path that each time roots in the form of content to blossom in the form of expression, firmly guiding coherence and recognizability in every bright, chromatic and spatial detail; a challenging task for which Barberini is a proud curator, to assist a very challenging client at the main trade fairs and sales areas around the world.



Via Giuseppe Impastato
61040 Castelvecchio di Monte Porzio (PU) Italy
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