
Project: Stand
Event: Euroluce
Location: Milan

The Arcluce exhibition space was born from the collaboration with Diego Corinaldesi's D-Sign studio. 

This temporary exhibition offers an immersive and engaging experience, based on four different scenarios representing the company's new collections of lamps and lighting systems: outdoor, museum, office and residential.

Each scenario is characterized by lighting designed to enhance the spaces and create suggestive and functional atmospheres. 

Arcluce solutions show how to combine technological innovation and sustainability, design and customization, quality materials and attention to details.

Arcluce has confirmed as a leader in the lighting sector, anticipating trends and targeted products.

As the famous architect Le Corbusier said: "Architecture is the skilful, rigorous and magnificent play of volumes assembled in light."



Via Giuseppe Impastato
61040 Castelvecchio di Monte Porzio (PU) Italy
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